Dream Fencing Club

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Monday 10th March 2014

Dream Fencing Club at South East Region British Youth Champs

Tension was running high this weekend at the South East Region national qualifiers at Whitgift School, Croydon.

The tournament turned out to be a mixed bag for Dream Fencing Club. The four fencers who attended all had a good chance of qualifying for Sheffield in May.

Aiden and Tierney Sharp both took some time to find their feet in the poules and consequently had really tough first DE fights denying them a qualifying place.

Lily Madgwick fought brilliantly in the poule beating some very experienced fencers. Her DE fight was a nail biting affair ending with priority being given to Lily in an additional minute of fencing. To our huge disappointment Lily’s opponent managed to sneak by Lily’s defence and acquire the final and winning hit.

Patricia Kiy also found it hard to get going in her poule but in the end came out with a good position in the middle of the rankings for the DE. Her opponent, Laura Fuller from Crawley Swords, was on a par with Patricia and the hits went back and forth evenly. At 13 all, Patricia got a hit and went one up. The fight culminated in a double hit from the girls that relieved the nail biting tension, and was a great delight to the Dream Fencing Team. This win secured Trish a place in the National Championships in May, and a bronze medal. Trish fought well in the next round but lost 13 x 15 to Helen Sheffield who went on to win gold.